Hello. How are you? Merry Christmas.
I'm fine, thank you. Been busy...which is why I haven't been blogging lately.
So, er...yes, I did go AWOL. But I've been planning my comeback and, uh, here it is.
What have I been doing all this time? Well...
- Reading (a little)
- Watching movies (a lot)
- Writing (sporadically...hey, like my blogging!)
- Playing the piano and guitar (even less)
And since it IS Christmas...my comeback should be definite. With more:
- AND....REVIEWS!! (and tumblr...)
ALSO: I'm thinking of retiring "New Tunes" on this blog. I have way too many to do...I think I'm probably going to move it to my tumblr, where it will dwell very happily.
AND ONE LAST THING! Check out the poll to the left (if you can't tell your right from your left like me, it's your more dominant hand if you're a leftie and your less dominant hand if you're a rightie ;) ). Please vote! I'm trying to figure out what to review next. :)
Hi! *waves* It's good to 'see' you again. :)